Prohibition & Habitations
Prohibition & Habitations
Prohibition & Habitations
With one percent owning 40 percent and 50 percent owning one percent and a system that facilitates, increases and worships this, the artist is left in a situation of financing and buying her/his own artwork, and most likely, donating it to another setting. The point is that we are educated in a profession that doesn’t exist. So how can we make it exist?
Assuming that we want to make it a profession.
The risk we run is that our domain is equated to other professions. Tasks are dictated, availability is determined, goals are decided; if they were not already anyway. So why not make it a profession, if not only to unite with other professions?
The truth is that there are no professions left.
We have no profession. We have no work. We have nowhere to go to seek recognition. We have no common surface of conflict. The title has no refuge and the content no host. We are homeless in the most thorough sense.