
Daniel Jojje Wasmuth

Daniel Jojje Wasmuth
Year of birth: 1986
Country of birth: Sweden
Ett seriealbum av Jojje

In my degree project, I draw comic strips and reflect on images.

In Crossing the Fox River: From Thought to Action, comics artist Lynda Barry describes Ramachandran’s method of alleviating phantom pains in a lost hand by using a trick with mirrors in a box:

“He said to the guy to put his hand in and look. He put it in. And then he saw another hand there… And he told the guy to open his hand; he SAW the other one open… And that was the first relief he felt in years… And that was the beginning of curing this problem. I think that is what images do.”*

…and I do too.

I believe there is a need to tell and take part in stories. That it can alleviate pain. I am almost sure it improves the immune system too.

* Lawrence University, 01/24/2013.

I mitt examensarbete så tecknar jag serier och funderar kring bilder.

Serietecknaren Lynda Barry berättar i Crossing the Fox River: From Thought to Action, om Ramachandrans metod att lindra fantomsmärtor i en förlorad hand genom ett trick med speglar i en låda:

"He said to the guy to put his hand in and look. He put it in. And then he saw another hand there... And he told the guy to open his hand; he SAW the other one open... And that was the first relief he felt in years... And that was the beginning of curing this problem. I think that is what images do."*

...och det gör jag med.

Jag tror att det finns behov att berätta och ta del av historier. Att det kan lindra smärta. Jag är nästan säker på att det att det förbättrar immunförsvaret också.

* Lawrence University, 01/24/2013.

Daniel Jojje Wasmuth

Ebba Forslind

Gustaf From

Jeff Östberg

Jesus Verona

Lou Fallenius

Marcus-Gunnar Pettersson

Maryam Fanni

Miia Vallius

Minna Sakaria

Tomas Nilsson